Church nursery safety is of fundamental importance since physical injury, infections and food poisoning can be the result of negligence of safety practice for the nursery. Simple things like the toys, food, friend and care takers can end up being a hazard to the young ones in the nursery. Church nurseries are usually day nurseries and therefore this article will address the issues to look into in a day nursery.
Food hygiene
Food hygiene is very important aspect in church nursery security planning. Food should not only be of good nutritional value but its sourcing, handling and presentation should be done carefully to prevent food poisoning or infections from poorly handles food. First, the kitchen area should be large enough to allow all the activities related to food preparation be taken there. Separate access should be provided to allow for food delivery and activities done in the kitchen. Kitchen arrangement is an important factor for church nursery safety. Arrangement should follow a flow of work pattern to avoid crossing over from place to place in the kitchen. There is less risk in the kitchen if things are flowing. All food handlers must be trained on the best practice of food preparation for minors. Good lighting, ventilation should be provided in the kitchen. Children should not be allowed in the kitchen even when part of their activity includes kitchen activity. Another room should be provided for such exercise. A refuse area should be designated with a lid, pests such as rats, cockroaches, crawling and flying insects should not be allowed to thrive in the kitchen. The nursery kitchen is a no go zone for any pets. A first aid kit should be availed in the nursery kitchen.
Health and safety
Health and safety for Church nursery safety would include measures to ensure the premises where children are is safe for them to learn and play. Electrical and gas installation should be done by a certified professional to avoid any mishaps. LPG heaters should not be used under any circumstances in the nursery. It is also important to control access to the nursery area. All employees in the nursery should be vetted to ensure no sexual predators come in to contact with children. Cleaning chemicals and equipment should be kept under lock and key when not in use by a responsible adult. All drugs and medicines should be kept under lock and key and only given to the children upon parent approval. Play equipment that can cause falls e.g. swings, slides, etc or where climbing is involved, special care should be taken to mount the play equipment upon resilient surfaces, e.g. deep back beds to reduce injury. Risk assessment should be carried out to determine all possible causes of accidents and appropriate measures taken to mitigate the same.
Infectious Diseases
Infections are passed from person to person through physical contact e.g. handshakes, or through droplets spread. Most common infections in a nursery are dysentery, salmonella, staphylococcus, hepatitis A and viral infections.
Records of everyone (including all staff members) in the nursery should be well kept and names and telephone numbers of contact persons kept in case of emergency. All surfaces in the nursery should be well cleaned and disinfected. Measures must be implemented to ensure that soiled nappies, clothing etc are cleaned and disinfected prior to normal washing.
Sick care givers or children should not be allowed in the nursery. Children should wash their hands regularly with soap and water and this should be trained early.
Church nursery safety should be an integral part of any church safety activities.