A church medical team is a crucial component of every church. Apart from dealing with common injuries, this team often administers emergency medical care as well as dealing with severe, life-threatening injuries. As such, it is important to set up this medical team in the right way, putting into consideration the following points. Medical Emergency Response Plan … [Read more...]
How to Tighten Church Security – 10 Important Tips
Church security is a growing concern amongst church members and staff. A large gathering of many people is always a potential target for perpetrators of attacks, especially if the perpetrators have a relationship with the church or one of its members. As such, it is important that church leaders take the initiative to tighten church security, for their own safety and that of … [Read more...]
Church Security Plan Template
Currently, security threats to churches are of many different kinds and may come from any direction. As such, churches must be ready to deal with any form of emergency through the formulation of a church security plan that identifies risks and potential points of danger. This plan also helps the church security team to look at the church through the eyes of an intruder, and … [Read more...]