Overview of Church Security Training
Benefits of church security training
All staff and long term volunteers can undergo church security training so that they become an effective team. The security personnel on staff as well as volunteers such as ushers all require training. A good training program will help them spot dangerous situations early enough to neutralize the threat.
The main goals are to ensure that the church security team can identify threats effectively, and neutralize those threats in the simplest way possible. This means that when dealing with aggressive people, the church security team should be able to intercept them in a polite but effective manner. Request a nearby police department to send an officer who can talk to y
our church security team about how to handle different security threats.
Church security training on the cheap
One sure way of saving money is to recruit any church members who happen to have the skills as trainers for the church security team. These people include sworn peace officers, police and FBI. The church security team needs to be united and cooperative and they need to always be on the same page.
Try to make sure that one member of the church security team is appointed the church security team manager and taken through more specialized training on crime prevention. This individual can then offer expertise to the rest of the team.
Use online manuals for ideas such as this one or this one or this one.
Prepare the team to handle all security threats
The key to handling security threats is to simply be prepared. This means ensuring that the church security team is able to handle any threats before they ever happen. Many dangerous situations are preventable if only they are anticipated. Anticipation is what enables a church security team to respond rationally, swiftly and successfully to diffuse the threat. A lack of preparation leads to haphazard, panicky responses that often aggravate an already bad situation.
For example, the mere existence of a church security team is enough to discourage many would-be trouble makers. Greeters and church ushers should have the ability to identify people who are likely to disturb peace by watching out for certain tell-tale signs such as extreme agitation and anger.
Have a plan
It is important to put in place security plans, policies and procedures. All church security team members and volunteers must be constantly familiarized with such policies and of their respective responsibilities with regards to them.
Assign specific members of the church security team with specific duties and areas of responsibility. Periodically inspect all locks, lights and other church facilities to ensure that they are operational.
Put in place an evacuation procedure, which church security team must be fully familiar with and regularly familiarized with.
Screening helps
Ensure that all members of the church security team are screened for past criminal activity, employment history, political and religious affiliation and psychological testing.
Members of the church security team as well as ushers should be familiar with all church members so that they can easily spot strangers and watch out for suspicious behavior. For one, they should be able to record the license numbers of vehicles driven by strangers, so that local police can later perform screen checks.
In summary, the church security training ensures that the entire team is on board and on the same page.
[…] security against assault means having the ushers and any security people as well as the pastor trained on how to handle violent or potentially violent people. Parishioners and pastors can relax when they […]